East Moline: July 3rd, 2017. 6:30 P.M-DUSK at the Riverfront. Shuttle services from JD Harvester Works parking lot (1100 13th Ave.) Food, vendors, music, (7-9 P.M.) bounce houses and other free children’s activities, National Anthem at 9 P.M., and Fireworks Display following at dusk. Rain date July 5th . EVENT IS ALL DAY
Rock Island: RED, WHITE, AND BOOM: July 3rd, 2017. Live music, Children’s activities, and beer garden. 5-9:30PM. Fireworks start at 9:30 P.M. Location is Schwiebert Park.
Bettendorf: July 4th 2017. Parade at 10 a.m. Live music, crafts, food, performances, and amusement rides located on Spruce Hills Drive beginning at 12 p.m. until 9:30PM. Fireworks start at 9:30PM.
Davenport: RED, WHITE, AND BOOM. July 3rd, 2017. 5PM-DUSK. River Bandits baseball game, children’s activities, food, music. Fireworks begin at 9:30PM. Entertainment after fireworks show.
For more area firework displays CLICK HERE