Applications are now available for the 2018 Mississippi Valley Fair Queen Contest.
The winner of the contest will reign during the fair, which is being held July 31 to Aug. 5, and will assist with various fair activities during the week. The winner also will represent Scott County and the Mississippi Valley Fair at the Iowa State Fair’s queen competition. The Iowa State Fair takes place Aug. 9-19, 2018.
The Mississippi Valley Fair Queen Contest this year is at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 19, at Keppy Hall. The queen will be crowned during the fair at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 31, at the Variety Tent.
Mississippi Valley Fair Queen Contest contestants must be between the ages of 17 and 21 years of age on Aug. 9, 2018, the first day of the Iowa State Fair. Contestants must reside in Scott County or an adjoining county and have never been married or had children. Additional contest rules can be found on the application form.
Contestants will be judged on the following:
A – Personality, attitude, appearance and awareness.
B – Leadership and citizenship, contribution to community.
C -- Overall appearance, charm, poise.
Each contestant must also be a member of at least one service organization in her community, such as a church group, FFA, 4-H or Girl Scouts.
The new queen will receive a sash and crown plus a $500 scholarship sponsored by the Mississippi Valley Fair.
Applications are available at the fair office, 2815 W. Locust St. The deadline for the return of applications is June 1, 2018.