If getting a balance inquiry from the ATM sends you into a panic, it’s time to get a grip on your cash flow. We all worry about our finances sometimes, but you can reduce your money worries by trying these tips.
- Spend a week paying for things in cash only - Swiping your debit card is so easy, but paying with cash helps you see where your money goes. Being aware of your daily spending habits helps you find more opportunities to save.
- Stop following the markets every single day - If you’ve invested, you need to step back and let your diversified strategy do it’s thing. Watching the gains and losses every day can make you crazy, so try to limit yourself to three times a week.
- Spend socially rather than on material things - Shelling out for experiences is scientifically proven to make you happier than spending on things.
- Employ a financial expert - Having a financial planner to set a more accurate budget and identify where your money could work harder for you can help ease your anxiety about your finances.
- Set aside some “mad” money - Some expenses you can’t avoid, like housing and groceries, but it’s important to give yourself a little room to treat yourself, too. If you feel guilty for spending, add a regular “expense” to your budget so you can pay yourself a little every month and you can spend it or save it up over time for a bigger splurge, without all the anxiety.
Source: PureWow